

This page is to help me keep track of contributions I've made to various projects. I'll try to make an effort to keep it up-to-date, but no promises. Projects are listed in roughly reverse-chronological order of my contributions (obviously a lot of these will interleave, so that's only a rule of thumb).

My creations

These are projects I started. There are other projects I've managed, but if I adopted them, I list it in the next section.

  • weechat-relay-rs: Rust implementation of the WeeChat Relay protocol.
  • WaterlooRegionAddresses: Scripts for paring StatCan address data.
  • Fishbowl: Tools for extracting encrypted traffic from Android apps.
  • MGen: Tools for efficiently generating realistic messenger network traffic.
    • mnettools: Useful scripts for creating MGen experiments.
    • SaM Extractor: Scripts for extracting parameters from the "Share and Multiply" dataset.
  • Grading on a Curve: A series of scripts and applications to generate data on the correlation between contributions counts and vulnerability introductions, for the respective paper.
  • drow-loader: Technically a fork of an earlier project, but the majority of the code was written by me. A glibc-compatible dynamic loader (i.e., a replacement for, it used to be a core component of Shadow, but has since been deprecated.


Projects started by someone else that I made some contribution to.

